Related Mcqs:
- Out of 1.5 litres of blood circulating through our kidney each minute uriniferous tubules obtain only which of these amounts of plasma as filtrate:
- Out of 180 litres of plasma filtered out each day by tubules in our kidneys we form which of these amounts as urine:
- Malpighian body in the uriniferous tubules includes:
- Out of 1800 litres of blood circulating through our kidneys in 24 hours amount of plasma fittered out in tubules is:
- Amount of urine in our body is regulated by:
- Hippuric acid excreted in rabbit’s urine is formed by combination of:
- Out of 5 litres of blood circulating through human body how much amount of blood circulates through kidneys per minute:
- Number of uriniferous tubules in man is about:
- We have more amount of diluted urine passed (polyurea) when our:
- Out of 1800 litres of blood circulating through kidneys per day we filter out 180 litres of plasma and out of this we form only 1.45 litres of urine due to which of these mechanisms: