In rabbit, posterior epigastric vein collects blood from: Circulatory System Mcqs December 17, 2019 BILAL KHATTAK0 A.Posterior stomach wall B.Posterior intestinal wall C.Posterior rectal wall D.Ventral body wallRelated Mcqs:Azygos vein in rabbit collects blood from:Blood from stomach and spleen is collected in rabbit by:Intestinal villi are more larger in posterior part of intestine than in the anterior part because:SA-Node in rabbit’s heart is found in the:Corpus albicans just behind the stalk of pituitary glands in rabbit is formed by:Serum of human blood is injected into rabbit, the blood of rabbit would form:Hemiazygos vein in rabbit opens into:Azygos vein in rabbit opens into:Cistern chili in rabbit is:Postcaval vein in rabbit is formed by confluence of: