Closure of tricuspid and bicuspid valves during ventricular contraction produces: Circulatory System Physiology Mcqs October 19, 2019 BILAL KHATTAK0 A.Low-pitched sound called ‘lubb’ B.High pitched sound called ‘dup’ C.First ‘lubb’ and then ‘dup’ D.None of theseRelated Mcqs:At the end of ventricular systole the closure of semilunar valves of pulmonary and systemic aortae produces a sound called:Which of the following valves in the heart of rabbit is tricuspid:Switching of a lamp in house produces noise in the radio. This is because switching operation produces __________?Noise is _______________.A concrete wall generallyPorous materials generallyIf a centrifugal pump is noisy in operation, the cause may be________________?Accounstical materialsSpleen produces RBCs in embryo but adult it produces:Bicuspid valve is also called: